What is Accreditation? By definition, the word "accredit" means to authorize, endorse, and officially approve of. An ordination is to a minister, like an accreditation is to a school. Accreditation is a group process by which a school voluntarily agrees to participate in a set of established standards in order to encourage quality education.
Schools are not legally required to become accredited, but it is very desirable standing. Accredited status means a school has voluntarily undergone a comprehensive examination to determine that it operates at a worthy level pf performance.
Majestic Bible Institute & Seminary is fully accredited by the World Wide Accreditation Commission of Christian Educational Institutions (WWAC) 2800 Blandwell Road, Richmond, Virginia 23224.
WWAC is a private/faith based accrediting organization that has severed in the area of Ministry Education since 1972. This organization has a mission of advancing the gospel, yet providing scripture accountability and quality standards in Christian Higher Education.
Keep in mind that most Bible Colleges and Christian Universities do not have secular regional accreditation.
However, these institutions should have private/religious accreditation or be registered or approved by their state to offer degree and diploma programs.
Majestic Bible Institute & Seminary has both private/religious accreditation and registration/approval of the State of Florida for diploma and degree programs.
World Wide Accreditation Commission of Christian Educational Institutions (WWAC) Logo
2800 Blandwell Road,
Richmond, Virginia 23224